Other Legal Services
Serving Park City + Surrounding Areas
LKT Legal offers a variety of legal services to meet your unique needs.
If you’re looking for expert legal services in Park City or the surrounding Utah areas, let us help you. Below is a list of some of the other legal services we provide. If you don't see what you're looking for, please reach out to see how we can help.
Unbundled Services
At LKT Legal, we strive to offer services that meet the needs of all our clients. There are many ways to navigate a family law matter, and each path has differing levels of involvement. Through unbundled legal services, we can assist you with clearly-defined aspects or stages of your case, depending on where you most need our help. Options might include providing legal advice, drafting and reviewing documents, and/or appearing with you in court or at mediation. Unbundled services allows you to include us however you want, which saves you time and money.
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
A Prenuptial Agreement is an agreement between you and your future spouse to protect your current or future assets. Like a Prenuptial Agreement, a Postnuptial Agreement also protects your assets but this type of agreement occurs after marriage. Both types of agreements specify how your separate property will be safeguarded or divided in certain circumstances. Utah law provides direction on how such documents should be drafted. Let our experienced attorneys help you to protect your interests.
Separation Agreements
If you are considering a divorce but you are not quite ready to take that full leap, a temporary separation might be an option for you. A Temporary Separation Agreement allows you to take some time alone to thoughtfully consider if you should reconcile with your spouse or proceed with a divorce. This type of agreement creates a temporary plan for how your finances will be handled, who will have possession of your marital property, and how your children will be cared for during this period of reflection, allowing you the time and space to focus on your next steps.
After a Decree of Divorce or other final Order has been entered, it is important that both parties follow the orders of the Court. If your ex-spouse or your child’s other parent is not in compliance with any final Order, LKT Legal can assist you in filing an enforcement action with the Court. Depending on the severity of the violation, remedies available to the aggrieved party can include make-up parent-time, a monetary judgment, garnishment of wages, payment of attorney’s fees, a fine or even jail time.
If circumstances have changed since the time your Decree of Divorce or other final Order was signed by the Court, you may be able to make changes to your prior Order. Such modifications could include changes to child support, child custody and parent-time, alimony, or other orders. If you are wondering whether changes to your final orders are even possible, let our attorneys at LKT Legal review your final Order, discuss your changed circumstances, and evaluate whether a modification is the right step for you.
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party assists the parties to reach a shared decision. Mediation allows you and your spouse or other interested party to come to a fair resolution together, rather than leaving the decision in the hands of the Court. Other benefits of mediation include the time it saves, the cost efficiency, and the reduction in stress when compared to litigation. Mediation is a required step in all divorce and custody cases, as well as most cases involving modifications of previous final orders. Additionally, you might choose to resolve your case with mediation prior to even filing any action. This strategy is often successful as it diffuses the situation. No matter the circumstances leading you to mediation, LKT Legal can provide you with guidance and support throughout the process, including drafting an agreement once it has been reached.
Collaborative Law
The end of a marriage or relationship can be tragic enough. Often, the process of divorcing only adds to the pain. But it doesn't have to be this way. A growing number of parting couples, along with other professionals such as lawyers, mental health professionals and financial specialists, have found a peaceful solution with the Collaborative Practice model.
Collaborative Practice is a reasonable approach to divorce based on three principles:
A pledge not to go to court
An honest exchange of information by both spouses
A solution that takes into account the highest priorities of both adults and their children
When respect is given and received, discussions are likely to be more productive and an agreement reached more easily.
Estate Plans
Estate planning is the process of creating a plan for your end-of-life wishes, including how your estate should be distributed and how your loved ones should be cared for. At LKT Legal, we offer simple estate plans, including Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Healthcare Directives.